A BenckFarma atualmente é uma farmácia tradicional de manipulação, localizada na cidade de Telemaco Borba - PR, olhando para o futuro e pensando na inovação, a empresa visa focar em homeopatia, e ter como o carro chefe da empresa, trazendo a promessa do diferencial no mercado e no cuidado em saúde!
BenckFarma is currently a traditional manipulation pharmacy, located in the city of Telemaco Borba - PR, looking to the future and thinking about innovation, the company aims to focus on homeopathy, and have as the company's flagship, bringing the promise of differential in market and health care!
Para representar a marca procuramos primeiramente destacar a importância das plantas, e da gota milagrosa do produto, hiperconcentrada, a qual é altamente eficaz no tratamento. Então a partir disso, criamos o simbologia do logotipo.
To represent the brand we seek first to highlight the importance of plants, and the miraculous drop of the product, hyperconcentrated, which is highly effective in treatment. So from that we create the logo symbology
Homeopathy has a differentiated form of treatment and may use elements from the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.
To represent the brand, the plant was chosen, which symbolizes the
extraction in vegetables.
extraction in vegetables.
In homeopathy, the active ingredient is hyperconcentrated, so 1 drop is enough.
Na assinatura, a palavra farmácia aparecia de forma redundante, onde “farma” era facilmente interpretada pelos clientes remetendo a empresa a uma farmácia convencional somente. Sendo assim, o termo foi removido e substituído pela palavra Homeopatia, trazendo-a ao foco.
In the signature, the word pharmacy appeared redundantly, where “pharma” was easily interpreted by customers referring the company to a conventional pharmacy only. Therefore, the term has been removed and replaced by the word Homeopathy, bringing it to focus.
Na paleta de cores, utilizamos duas cores principais: o amarelo, um pedido especial descrito no briefing e que de acordo com a psicologia das cores, simboliza o otimismo e a alegria, e o verde, cor associada à natureza, saúde, vitalidade.
In the color palette, we use two main colors: yellow, a special request described in the briefing that, according to color psychology, symbolizes optimism and joy, and green, color associated with nature, health, vitality.